Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goals and Resolutions

With my first session in less than an hour, I wanted to post quickly about the goals I have for this effort.

  1. I hope to actually get up the nerve to buy a monthly pass.
  2. I would like to at least get through enough sessions to say I tried.
  3. I will attend every session without judging myself based on outcomes.
  4. I will actually follow the third goal, even if that means that I spend the entire time in child's pose, sweating profusely, and wishing I chose another 30-day challenge.
  5. I will do my best to access some level of personal and, to use a yogi term, spiritual growth through development of my practice.
There are probably more, but that's a good start. At this point, I'm operating on only a few hours of sleep thanks to New Year's Eve with a slight hangover, mild dehydration, and an icky feeling in my stomach. And yet I'm doggedly committed to at least attending one session while everyone else in my apartment (a handful of friends stayed over last night) sleeps off our hardy celebration in anticipation of brunch.

But I can honestly say that today, or at least right now, my main resolution is to prove my friends wrong (votes were about 70/30 for me NOT making it to class today) and go to class even if I have to run out of the studio to vomit and sleep through the Patriot's game while nursing myself towards recovery for the mistakes that I made in committing to this silly goal to begin with. Cheers and happy new year!!

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